Posts with the tag “delicia-gipson”

Daniel Fast: 2024 - Day 8
January 8th, 2023
Confidence.Look up any random article written on confidence, you'll find a plethora of idioms regarding self confidence and how successful you can be in life if you have enough."I got this." "I ca...  Read More
by Delicia Gipson
Daniel Fast: 2024 - Day 7
January 7th, 2023
Confession.Confession is not only a crucial aspect of a fast, but it is part of a healthy relationship with God. Confession is paramount for any relationship. Throughout the Bible, God teaches us to c...  Read More
by Delicia Gipson
Daniel Fast: 2024 - Day 6
January 6th, 2023
Consecration.Thank you, Pastor Fields for your timely wisdom. As we march into the subject of consecration, let's begin with two definitions.Consecration - to make or declare sacred; set apart.Isolati...  Read More
by Delicia Gipson
Daniel Fast: 2024 - Day 5
January 5th, 2023
CommunicationLoosely defined, communication is the movement of ideas. We have ideas, then share them with family, friends, colleagues, viewers, etc. hoping those individuals will share them with other...  Read More
by Delicia Gipson
Daniel Fast: 2024 - Day 4
January 4th, 2023
Clarification.Wow! Look at you! You're totally rocking this plan.  Let's move on to clarification.Imagine this:You are blindfolded, riding in what sounds like a helicopter. After a swift decent and th...  Read More
by Delicia Gipson
Daniel Fast: 2024 - Day 3
January 3rd, 2023
Crucifixion.Now that we've talked about our level of commitment, it is time to discuss the crucifixion of our flesh. Fasting is essentially a crucifixion. By denying our flesh, we are offering God the...  Read More
by Delicia Gipson
Daniel Fast: 2024 - Day 2
January 2nd, 2023
CommitmentWhat is commitment? Jerry Flowers describes it as the "transportation method that takes a surface level relationship to unknown, surprising, and satisfying depths; the glue of a relationship...  Read More
by Delicia Gipson
Daniel Fast: 2024 - Day 1
January 1st, 2023
Overview.As we begin this new year, we are reminded to examine our commitment to God, the crucifixion of our flesh, the consecration of our souls, our communion with God, both as individuals and Life ...  Read More
by Whitney Gipson-Tillis