Daniel Fast: 2024 - Day 8


Look up any random article written on confidence, you'll find a plethora of idioms regarding self confidence and how successful you can be in life if you have enough.

"I got this."

"I can do it."

"You do you while I do me."

"I'm living my truth."

"I'm a'ight."

The Word, however, teaches something different. In fact, we are warned numerous times against placing confidence in yourself or any human. Throughout the scriptures, we are repeatedly cautioned against the human tendency to trust in our own ability, strength, energy, and thinking.

I want to highlight three stories from the bible that plainly show where the participants' confidence rested.

Exodus 14 tells the story of how the children of Israel were pinned between the Red Sea and pharoah's pursuing army. Immediately they began to complain of how they were delivered from Egypt only to die. They lacked confidence in Moses. They were gripped with fear. Additionally, they had little confidence in their God though they'd seen His mighty power with the plagues that struck their oppressors.

In Joshua, God gave Joshua specific instruction in preparation for the battle of Jericho. While Joshua was confident in God, some of the children of Israel demonstrated their lack of confidence in God's power and disobeyed Him. Disobedience is a symptom of a lack of confidence.

Finally, Jesus, Himself, revealed His confidence. In John, He had complete confidence both in God's ability to do as He pleases and in His relationship with God.

Put your confience in God as Jesus did. But you must also use that confidence to build a strong relationship with God. Jesus tells us in the scripture that He knew the strength of the Son's relationship with His Father.

Ultimately, you must learn where to invest your confidence. Learn from the mistakes of those who lacked confidence in God. Learn, also, from Jesus who was full of confidence of what God can do. He was a man (a human) like you and me but He honored God in all He did. He did not sin. Let us seek to be more and more like Christ.

While you read the scriptures today, prayerfully reflect on the following:
*What is your level of confidence in your relationship with God?
*What about your life with God is similar and different from either of these examples?
*When God tells you "no," what is your level of confidence in His answer?

Dear God,
I am only a human and I was born in sin. My parents are also human and were born in sin. You gave us Jesus who was born, as a human into this world of sin but he did not sin. I am confident Jesus can save me! I want to live a life of confidence, not in myself, but in God's power within me. Forgive my disobedience. Forgive my lack of confidence. Forgive my unbelief. Without confidence in You, I can not please You. Teach me to obey Your word as the confidence of my relationship with You. I want to please You.

In Jesus' name,

Exodus 14
Joshua 6-7
Psalm 118:8
Jeremiah 17:7
John 11
Hebrews 11:1-31

We hope you have found this plan to be nutritional food for your spirit during the first days of the new year. Stay tuned for other bible plans to help you grow stronger in your relationship with God.

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