Daniel Fast: 2024 - Day 7


Confession is not only a crucial aspect of a fast, but it is part of a healthy relationship with God. Confession is paramount for any relationship. Throughout the Bible, God teaches us to confess.

In the book "Just Pray," Pastor John F. Hannah says that "without confession, we have no relationship with God." So, as a mature (or maturing) Christian, you must confess. There is no negotiation. Hannah states that we must "clear the room" because darkness has no fellowship with light. There is no sin in God and refusing to confess sin is a willful act of rebellion leaving us separated from God.

Additionally, leaving sin unaddressed and unconfessed can cause changes in our physical, mental, and emotional health. Read Psalm 32. There, David describes what happened to him during the time he withheld confession of the sin he committed concerning Bathsheba.

Have you wondered why you are still hungry after you eat? What about the nightmares? Some depression can be a manifestation of unconfessed sin. Are you struggling finding a mate? Are your children particularly disrespectful? Without question, any sin you leave unconfessed can harm you. Confession is solely your responsibility.  No one can, confess for you. Nor will God force you to confess.

If you believe there is sin within you that lies unconfessed, stop here and pray Psalm 51. After all, when you compare what you have to lose with all you have to gain, the decision is really a no-brainer.

Here are some other hazards associated with failing to confess your sins listed in Hannah's book "Just Pray."

"Without confession, the door remains open for the adversary."

"Without confession, we sit in our sin."

"Confession is more than mindless rhetoric. We must be uncomfortable in (down on your knees, honest) heartbreak.""

Dear God,
"Against You, You only, have I sinned." Open the eyes of my heart so that unknown sin is revealed to me. Forgive me for my failure to quickly confess my sin. I want to withhold nothing from You. Let my life bring You glory.  Let me live a life worthy of Jesus' sacrifice for my salvation. Because I am Your child, I desire to be honest and forthcomingwith You. I hold my sins in the light before You and beg for Your mercy. Grant me the courage to resist the urge to abscond (to secret away) any thought, word, and deed that is not like You. I can hide nothing from You. I want to hide nothing from You. My sin is embarrassing and humiliating. I recognize that embarrassment is not of You. I freely admit my shortcomings to You.

In Jesus' name

Numbers 32:23
2 Samuel 12
Psalm 32:
Psalm 51
2 Corinthians 6:14-15
James 5:16
1 John 1:5-9
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1 Comment

Kathy Martella - January 7th, 2023 at 10:07am

Yes. Amen to all of this. This fast has brought me to repentance and I can feel the Holy Spirit moving. I'm able to capture my thoughts and turn them the other direction with the help of the Holy Spirit all for Gods Glory. Hallelujah