Daniel Fast: 2024 - Day 4


Wow! Look at you! You're totally rocking this plan.  Let's move on to clarification.

Imagine this:
You are blindfolded, riding in what sounds like a helicopter. After a swift decent and the thud of a landing, your blindfold is removed. You are in a lush, green meadow that goes on for miles in all directions. On the distant horizon, a lone tree stands. The pilot hooks his thumb at you. Issuing the order for you to "get out." Once you disembark, you immediately notice that the wild grass is as high as your knees. The pilot leans toward you, and places a small earbud and a battery pack in your hand. Though the pilot shouts, the rotor wash muffles him.

He says to you:
  1. This is a mine field. I am leaving momentarily without you.
  2. Insert the earbud and turn on the pack. You will receive further instruction via the earpiece.  Listen carefully for directions and follow them exactly.
  3. You will die if you step in the wrong place.
  4. The only safe place in this meadow is where this helicopter and you, now stand.

Tossing you a half-hearted salute, the pilot directs the craft skyward. The wind from the exiting helicopter bends the grass flat and leaves the entire meadow rising and falling like the waves of a big green ocean. Alone and panicked, you clumsily insert the device into your ear.


What do you do now? Do you dare even move? What is going through your mind?

You attempt to slow your breathing and heart rate. Because you do not want to miss a single syllable from the, now silent, voice of instruction.

"Pick up your right foot." The voice instructs.

You pick up your right foot. Then consider where to place it.

"Stop!" The voice scolds. "Look over your right shoulder. Tell me what do you see."

"Grass. I see grass every in every direction," you respond.

"Look again!" the voice now booms.

Long minutes pass as you strain to find something, anything other than grass. Then as if it were mocking, your eyes find the lone tree standing there for years.

"A tree. I see a tree." you resist the urge to celebrate this revelation.

"Good. Walk to the tree."

Gripped anew by fear and terror, you feel your heart rate increase. A question of "How do I do that without dying?"pops into your head.

The voice continues, "Without bending the knees or excessive leg swing, place the ball of your right half a shoe length and just to the left of your left foot. Shift the weight of your body to the ball of your right foot and the heel of your left foot. The position of your feet should not change. While the direction of your body will change."

You wipe sweat from your brow. Taking a deep preparatory breath. You quickly complete the instruction.

"Lift your left foot. Touch the toes of your right foot with your left heel. Then ttouch the toes of your left foot with your right heel. Do not waver. Do not stop."

"Yes! Yes! Please don't let me die. I will follow your instruction." You respond.

As we continue this fast, listen carefully for the Voice of Instruction, God. For the days, weeks, and years ahead, God knows all of the danger, every hazard, in what we can see and what we cannot. Like the author of a thrilling adventure novel, He is our only infallible resource. And ignoring his guidance can cost your present and eternal life. We know the bible calls this life warfare. Well, here is a newsflash: It is called warfare because we are at  W A R! God will direct you if you will listen.

While you read the scriptures today, prayerfully reflect on the following:
* Am I listening carefully for direction from God.
* Do I act immediately when God instructs?
* Do you trust God to give you clear direction in every matter of your life? If not, why not?
* When has God told you not to do a thing and you decided otherwise?

Dear God,
Your Word says that if I do not trust You, I am not Your sheep. I want to be Your sheep, Lord. I want to hear Your Voice and follow only You. Lead me by the still and quiet waters. Lead me in the paths of righteousness for Your name's sake. Help me to listen for and listen to Your voice. Instruct me. Correct me. Lead me through this dangerous, life threatening mine field.

In Jesus' name,

Esther 4:14
Proverbs 20:24
Psalm 32:8
John 10: 26-27
John 14:6
2 Corintians 10:3-5
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