Daniel Fast: 2024 - Day 5


Loosely defined, communication is the movement of ideas. We have ideas, then share them with family, friends, colleagues, viewers, etc. hoping those individuals will share them with others. And who knows? Maybe those ideas will go viral.

Since Adam, God has demonstrated His desire to have open, honest, faithful communication with us. We, on the other hand, struggle with consistenly, humbly, and earnestly communicating with God. Yet we talk with each other, sometimes multiple times a day. We are often too busy, communicating with bosses, children, spouses, and friends, to spare a few sleepy moments before we fall asleep and toss two or three words in God's direction. How sad.

Talk to God once an hour (when you are awake) every day for the rest of this fast.

Remember: Endeavor to achieve a hunger for dialogue. That means, you listen, then you talk, and then listen again. Because I am certain God has things He wants to tell you. Keep a journal nearby. Write down what God says to you. Write down what you want to tell God. That way, you will not forget to tell Him something important. And you will remember any direction, correction, or guidance He provides.

The goal: To create a habit of seeking God's thoughts on everything on your mind and in your heart.

Success in this challenge will be a maturation of your spiritual man or woman. Bonus: Spending more time with God who is love will overflow into all your relationships.

Dear God,
I am so sorry for neglecting my relationship with You. Please forgive me. Please help me forgive myself. I know the price You paid for me and I want to show You how much that means to me. I make a vow to you this day to keep my relationship with You first. I will set alarms. I will post reminders to my bathroom mirror. I will put notes on my computer monitor. This year and for the rest of my life, I will consult you on things I believe are mundane and the things I believe are massive because I know you want to be included in every facet of my life. I love you with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength!

In Jesus' name

Psalm 55:17
Psalm 88:13
Isaiah 44:6
Mark 11:24
Luke 18
Romans 8:26-27
1 Thessalonians 5:17
James 5:13-16
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