Daniel Fast: 2024 - Day 1

As we begin this new year, we are reminded to examine our commitment to God, the crucifixion of our flesh, the consecration of our souls, our communion with God, both as individuals and Life Changing Word's contribution as members within the body of Christ. For the next seven days, we will explore the Word and hold it up to our walk. The Word is our mirror. May it reflect truth with your life and compel change, correction, and repentance.  

Today we are reading in the book of  Daniel. In our scripture, Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah were faced with a decision, to defile themselves in the eyes of God by obeying the rule of the evil  king of Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar or to remain faithful to God's law.  Keep in mind, that the Babylonians had Jerusalem under seige, which meant the consequences for noncompliance were high. Ultimately, though, these men resolved to obey God at any cost.

You are encouraged to use this time of sacrifice to connect or to reconnect with God. Every relationship needs to be rekindled from time to time. You, not God, have strayed in your walk. You, not God, have grieved Him. You, not God, have demonstrated faithlessness.  We have all sinned and fallen short of the beautiful glory of God.

While you read the scriptures today, prayerfully reflect on the following:
* What is my goal for this fast?
* How can I succeed in this fast?
* What does a successful fast look like to me?
* What does God think of my contribution to our (His and my) relationship?

Dear God,
You know my motives. I offer no excuses for neglecting my responsibility in the relationship between You and me. You know where I need to grow. Teach me what you want for me and from me. Ignite in my heart, my soul, and my mind, a hunger and a thirst to learn, then live, the requirements for a relationship with You that pleases You. Break up the ground of my heart so that the seed of Your Word can take root and grow, unrestricted. God, help me to discover the root of my shortcomings. I know You can, You will, and You want to uproot the strongholds in my life and those of my family. I humble myself before you. I repent for not allowing you to do what You want with the roots in my life and those of my family. Thank You for continuing to be so faithful even when I am not. I desire to be a much more obedient child of God in 2023 than I was in 2022.

In Jesus' name,

Daniel 1:5-21
Psalm 69:10
Romans 3:10-23
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Brother Fernando - January 2nd, 2023 at 12:29am

I found it interesting that Daniel said he did not want to defile himself witht he Kings food. Not sure if it was offered before idols or it was not healthy. He knew he did not want to do anything to affect his relationship with the Lord.

And also found it interesting that the Amplified states Verse 17 As for these four young men, God gave them knowledge and skill in all kinds of literature and wisdom; Daniel also understood all kinds of visions and dreams. There Vegan diet served them well and made them stand out. Thanks for this Study.

Brit - January 2nd, 2023 at 10:00pm

Thank you for this.