Daniel Fast: 2024 - Day 2

What is commitment? Jerry Flowers describes it as the "transportation method that takes a surface level relationship to unknown, surprising, and satisfying depths; the glue of a relationship; a demonstration of your level of  investment in a relationship." The bible clearly teaches in Amos that commitment is required of both parties in a relationship.

God wants us to fully commit to Him. His Word plainly describes His level of commitment to us. His commitment to us is Christ!

Let's compare our relationship with God to our relationship with our parents, our siblings, our friends, or any relationship. What is it that keeps you there? Consider your level of commitment to them. What would you do for your spouse if your he or she fell ill? Would you advocate for your child in the classroom? Of course you would because you are fully committed to that relationship. How committed are you to your relationship to God?

While you read the scriptures today, prayerfully reflect on the following:
* What does my commitment demonstrate in God's eyes?
* Am I loving God the way He wants to be loved?
* Would I stay in a relationship where I was treated the way I treat God?
* If my commitment is transportation, where is my relationship with God going?

Dear God,
My relationship with You is my most important one. Please forgive my half-hearted commitment to You. From this moment, I want to show You with my humility, my prayer life, my worship, with my everything just how committed to You I truly am. I want our relationship (Yours and mine) to go from surface level to depthless, from occasional to constant, from sporadic to steadfast and unmovable.

In Jesus‘ name

Amos 3:3
Joel 2:12-14
2 Chronicles 7:14
Romans 5:6-8
1 Corinthians 6:12-20
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