Daniel Fast: 2024 - Day 6

Thank you, Pastor Fields for your timely wisdom.

 As we march into the subject of consecration, let's begin with two definitions.
Consecration - to make or declare sacred; set apart.
Isolation - the complete separation from others; quarantine

We must allow God to "clarify" the difference between consecration and isolation. Because God says in the book Genesis that man being alone is "not good." Read it. He says a lot of things are good. But man alone is not good. The idea of consecrating yourself for God's service is a good thing. But, isolating yourself for any reason is "not good."
Sometimes in life, we meet with difficulties.The loss of a loved one can be incredibly difficult. During that time of tremendous pain and grief, we must remember that isolation is a trap set for us, not a tool to aid in healing us. Again, as in Crucifixion, isolation is the way the enemy can overtake us (Revisit Daniel Fast: 2023 - Day 4). We must instead seek consecration. We must clean ourselves from things that are dishonorable - disobedient, sinful (Revisit Daniel Fast: 2023 - Day 1). We seek and keep on seeking to grow into the person God wants us to be. We belong to God. He is our creator and we are His. As stated earlier in this Bible plan, Jesus is our best example of consecration. He gave everything, His dignity, His blood, His very life to God and all while being fully God. Additionally, scriptures in today's plan, offer other examples of how people consecrated themselves.

Consecration is a way of giving ourselves to God in a new way. Choosing consecration shows God just how much we want to be completely and unquestionably His precious possession. Consecration deepens the level of the relationship and clearly demonstrates your desire to please God for no other reason than to see Him happy. As you read His love letter to you (the Bible), let your consecration become an endearing love letter to Him. What a wonderful consumation of your relationship with the Master! Give yourself to God and live a life filled with His joy! Let that joy be your strength!

While you read the scriptures today, prayerfully reflect on the following:
* Am I allowing the devil to isolate me?
* What can I do to change that?
* What is God's plan for my life?
*Is my life a reflection of His plan?

Dear God,
Teach me how to clean myself from dishonorable, disobedient, sinful things. Make me a vessel of honor, sanctified, set apart for a special purpose and, useful to You, Master. Prepare me for every good work You plan for my life. I call to You with a pure heart and pursue Your righteousness, faith, love, and peace with others who believe as I do. Deliver me from foolish and ignorant speculations. I want nothing to do with them. Rescue me from unedifying controversies. I want a life free of strife and quarrels. Make me Your servant. You know what me as Your servant looks like, acts like, lives like. I want to be kind and even tempered. Help me preserve peace, to be patient and tolerant even when someone wrongs me. Finally, I repent for my ignorance and immaturity. Lead me to the knowledge of and the accurate understanding of truth. I welcome Your truth. If I falter, bring me, quickly, to my senses so that I may escape the trap of the devil, isolated in captivity to do his evil will.

In Jesus' name

Genesis 4:4-7
Genesis 22:9-12
Judges 11:30-31, 34-40
1 Samuel 1:11
2 Samuel 23:16
1 Corinthians 6:20
2 Timothy 2:20-26
Hebrews 7:28, 9:18, 10:20
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