Come to the Light!

Mar 20, 2023    Dr. Darrick Fields

Stir up the gifts

Know the Word to know the Will of God. ~Daniel Mendoza

Hebrews 10:25-it is God's Will to gather together

Koinonia-Greek word for Christian fellowship or communion with God or more commonly with fellow Christians.

Where is my loyalty? With God or myself? ~Kathy Martella

John 18:36-My Kingdom is not of this world.

John 14:30-Satan has no power over Christ

John 12:31-Satan will be cast out

Q: Who is in my life keeping me from my relationship with God?

1 Peter 2:9-out of darkness into His marvelous light

John 3:17-21-Do you love or hate the light?

I miss my breakthrough because I try to bring others with me who disqualify my breakthrough.

John 10:10-steal, kill, and destroy